Let the adventure begin!

New destinations? Want to know more about how Lucia is celebrated, how to eat surströmming or why Evert Taube is so famous? You will find these answers by entering the pages below. Let’s explore Sweden together!

Old City seen from the balloon

The pages are being written and updated currently, so if you find empty pages, don’t worry, come back later. I either haven’t visited those places yet or I am about to write about them.

Do you have questions or comments? Feel free to post them or e-mail me. And the most important thing: subscribe in order to get more info and keep you updated!


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Follow me on a trip from Treriksröset in the North, down to Smygehuk in the South, through all of Sweden’s 25 provinces. Click on ”Provinces” in order to get to travel with me.


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Discover how Swedes celebrate different hollidays, which customs they have, and which food they prepare. Click on ”Traditions” in order to discover a new way of life.


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Discover interesting pieces of art, paintings, sculptures, music, architecture, history and the best titles. Click on ”Culture” in order to discover a new a whole new world.


Sweden is not only meatballs and Ikea!

Why this blog? Because travelling gives meaning to a meaningless life. By travelling, I believe we reach the purpose of our own existence, thus understanding why we are here, on this planet. By travelling, I come to a better understanding of human life, I get connected to the divinity. Seeing places means to me getting the sacred down in the profane, to use the words of the Romanian historian of religions Mircea Eliade. Different places are like the pieces of a puzzle and by visiting these different places, I feel like putting together these small puzzle pieces to create the bigger picture to which I, like you, also belong. So why not join me on this adventure of creating the big picture?

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